Saturday, March 17, 2012

3/17/12 - Went through the Whole Show!

What happened today:

Started the day with a wonderful sourdough waffle

Backed my car into a snow drift in my driveway. More on that in general ramblings :-|

Ran through the whole show, almost non-stop!
And I got to try on most of my costume. Sorry for the blurry photo, I'll get more later

Lovely views from rehearsal today - Mount Foraker and Mount McKinley

General ramblings:

 A little more about yesterday - when we started south, it was overcast, but it totally cleared up by the time we got to Girdwood. And when we got to the top of Alyeska, it was just amazing!! We hung out at the cabin of one of our hosts, ate a bunch of snacky food, then took the tram up the mountain. It was really cold, but almost totally clear skies. Then back to the cabin for a little while, then they all came to my host's place and she made us a wonderful dinner. Some of us were pretty tired by the end, I wouldn't have thought that the day would have exhausted us that much, but I was definitely beat. What a great day, though!

Right, so today, backed my car into a snowbank. Sigh. I had to move it this morning, and I guess when I parked it, I left the front wheels turned, so when I went to back up - poof, into the rocky snow. I couldn't move forward or backward. I tried to move some snow with a shovel, but it proved almost impossible. The snow is like concrete now. I texted the stage manager...and then I burst into tears. That was a really bad time. I was sure I was going to have to beg some cast members to come push my car out. But after speaking to the stage manager on the phone and having her get ready to send someone to get me, I gave it one more try and moved the front wheels in a different direction (and I rocked the car a little bit with my brute strength, and put some cat litter under one tire (which I don't think did anything,)) I got it to move forward. My heart was RACING, and it wasn't until I got to rehearsal that it finally calmed down. That really sucked. I don't quite know whence the tears, though. I just felt so helpless all of a sudden.

In other, happier news, we ran through the whole show today, and it was alright. Almost non-stop, which is good, especially because we are incorporating the scene shifts, trying to get it to feel as real as possible. But I do feel like we are at that place in the rehearsal period when people are getting tired. Just in general, tired. Want to get the show over the hump, and almost don't have the energy to push it there. The kids, especially, seemed tired today. And a 6-hour rehearsal day is a long one when you're eleven years old. Tomorrow we are going to do the whole show in the evening, and try to get a timing on it. Then we move to the theater, and that should perk everyone up.

Here's where I am today:

Tired. Just like everyone else. Tomorrow is Lunch with the Stars, which I hope will fun. The Guild puts on a lunch, and four of the principal artists sing stuff that is not from "The Sound of Music." It's a good chance to show another side of us, and meet the Guild members. I'm going to sing "Stranger here myself" my Kurt Weill, which I love to sing, so I'm looking forward to it. And hey, free lunch!

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