Friday, March 9, 2012

3/8/12 - Visited rehearsal on my day off

What happened today:

Went to the zoo with Maria - in 11 degree weather

Worked out at The Alaska Club - Alaska Club > Planet Fitness
I went to the evening rehearsals to watch the kids - it rocked. I'll elaborate under general ramblings
I met Captain Von Trapp for the first time, and saw Max, who is someone I have known for years. Great to see almost everyone face to face

General ramblings:

I missed the Northern Lights last night! People were talking about it at rehearsal last night, and some people went, but I was tired so I just came home. This morning I find out that due to clear skies and a solar flare, last night was probably THE night to check them out. Alack and alas. Next time when people talk about it, I will go!!

The zoo was awesome!! It was totally cold and covered with snow, but we saw almost all the animals. I was so surprised that they were active. It was also great to get to know Maria better. We have lots of friends and some experiences in common, so that sort of gave us a leaping off point. We totally had a blast hanging out at the zoo.

Oh my hell, the kids were great. I'm going to post a video of them. Anyway, they are totally adorable, and of Gretl just makes everyone squeal. But all of them are really great. I saw them do "The Sound of Music," "Do-re-mi," and "Lonely Goatherd." Awesome all around. As I was leaving, I ended up in the elevator with all of them, and I said, "I'm Jessica," and they all politely said hello. Then I said, "I'm playing Mother Abbess," and they all burst into "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" Very nice, very nice.

Edited - I've tried for hours to upload the video, but it's not working. Boo.

Where I am today:

I'm good, but I'm starting to get a bit of cabin fever. Which is funny, because today I was out for more of the day than I have been since I got here. Maybe it's because now there are people to hang out with (other guest artists) I'm chomping at the bit to go be social. How unlike me.

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