Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3/20/12 - Moving into the Theater for Tech Week!

What happened today:

Had some of the delicious Zabar's French Italian roast that Noodle sent me - perfection!

Worked out at the Alaska Club - elliptical and stair master
Had my first rehearsal with the mics in the theater, and it was pretty painless

General ramblings:

Walking into the gym, I saw some art in the snow. I think this photo is particularly artful, with my shadow

And after the gym, I had delicious leftover quiche, a great high-protein post-workout meal.

So, going to the theater, we have to find our own parking. I am hellbent on finding as much free parking as I can. That can really add up! I know of at least one place that is free after 5:30pm, but I had to arrive at the theater earlier than that, so my first plan of attack was to scour the area for a meter. Then I realized that I only had 85 cents, 15 cents short of paying for the hour. What to do. WELL! I found a meter right in front of the stage door and.... it had an hour and a half already on it! So I didn't even have to use my change at all! As Noodle says, the Sound of Music/Parking gods were on my side.

So they put mics on us and we went through our scenes. There was a lot of waiting around, but really mostly painless. I sang "Climb" and it was hard not to over-blow on my first time singing in the theater, but now I know. It reverberates in a totally different way in there. And the rehearsal space was sooooo live, hard concrete everywhere. It was great singing there! Now I have to get used to this. And speaking. much. slower. Basically learning how to use the mic again. But I think we're on the right track for getting it going.

Oh, also, the Captain has a cold that was bad enough to keep him home from rehearsal tonight. Someone mentioned that some of the kids are sick. They can't really help being little petri dishes. So I am washing my hands like crazy, making absolutely sure to take my vitamins and zinc, and my host gave me a bottle of Airborne, which I'll start taking tomorrow. Can't hurt, right?

Here's where I am today:

Good. I'm glad to see it's already the 20th. Getting the package of Zabar's stuff made me a bit home sick. If we are already in the 20s of March, I'm that much closer to going home. Tomorrow is a day off, so I'll have to think of something to do.

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