Thursday, March 29, 2012

3/29/12 - Final Dress Rehearsal - Student Performance

What happened today:

Actually slept past 8:30am, which is amazing. No matter how late I stay up, I've been having trouble sleeping in. I guess I'm getting enough sleep because I'm not tired, but I just really wanted to stay in bed later.

Ran four miles at the gym, straight through, even without water breaks. That felt pretty awesome.

Got opening night gifts for the cast. Didn't sent me back too much, but with this big of a cast, it adds up!

General ramblings:

Anchorage drivers are baaaaaaad. Seriously, people, LOOK BOTH WAYS.  At least there's a whole lot less ice on the roads, but c'mon, people!

Oh! I should make sure to talk more about how my voice felt after rehearsal last night, after writing here about some issues that I was having. In practice yesterday, I started paying closer attention to how it feels to sing the same pitches in a Handel aria or a Mozart aria. It comes down to singing differently in my passaggio. Whether I want to say lighter, or pushing less air, or higher placement in the face and mouth (probably a bit of all of that,) but I kept all of that in mind last night, and I felt like the aria went far better than it has gone all week. And then I felt like a million bucks. Feeling like I'm singing poorly really weighs heavily on me.

They decided to age me even more last night. And add a crucifix. I think I look like my dad's mom. Eesh.

Oh, found this little treasure in the gutter today. I DO have a bit of corn stuck between my molars...

Oh, I dropped a line in one scene with Maria last night. I think I flubbed a line, and then just dropped the one after. But she is a champ because she just kept going. I apologized later and she didn't even remember, so that's great. Amen for colleagues who are on top of it!

Here's where I am today:

I can't believe it's the final dress! You know what feels weird is having an almost-week in the middle of rehearsals where we didn't run the show because we were working on sound tech. That really killed the momentum that builds in the three weeks leading up to opening night. Interesting phenomenon.

Kind of wishing I was home this weekend because Noodle has a cool gig this weekend and I would like to be there supporting him.

Glad to be up to 4 miles running! Bloomsday becomes more and more possible, yippy!

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