Saturday, March 31, 2012

3/31/12 - The Show is Up and Running

Today I am dispensing with my format because I don't have much time - two shows today, 2pm and 8pm

Opening night was TEH awesome. We had a really wonderful crowd, they were responsive and they clapped and cheered in all the right places. I even got a few bravas when I took my bow, which was great. They gave us a standing ovation! I wish the house had been more full, but hopefully we will get a glowing review and that will give us some added advertising. And I hope word of mouth will be strong.

Here was the blurb in the paper yesterday

In "Climb," when I turned to Maria for the second B section, there was a tear on her cheek and that was really moving for me. I almost got choked up. That really meant a lot to me, and I hope she knows that. I guess I should tell her.

It was so great to have an audience, as I've said before. The energy was so great and I think everyone felt good about how the show went. One thing to be careful of, on opening nights in general, don't eat ALL the chocolate that people give you. Luckily I didn't get too carried away, because I know better, but I think I went about one truffle too far. Heh.

Oooh, opening night flowers! First from Noodle

And also from Mom

And the company also gave me flowers, so here's what my make up table looks like

Added later - between the two shows! The matinee went well, but the audience was pretty quiet. It looked a bit more full than last night, but it's really hard to tell from the stage. Personally, I feel like I sang the aria the best I've sung it in the theater, so there's a personal triumph. I also feel that I was more connected to it emotionally, and less concerned with voice technique, which is another triumph.

The lilies in Mom's bouquet opened today, so it's even more gorgeous than I realized it would be

And some angel brought some decent non-candy snacks to the green room. Someone else actually brought vegetables, which I grubbed on with my dinner.

The dinner was from Humpy's, which is across the street. A bit over-priced if you ask me, but the fish was good. And there's leftover rice that I can eat tomorrow before the show.

And here's a photo from the show, taken by local photographer, Denny Wells. Dig those cheekbones!

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