Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3/27/12 - Dress Rehearsal Tonight

What happened today:

Used the Kaladi Brothers wifi from my car in the parking lot. I will give them plenty of business this week to make up for it.

Going to the gym for an easier workout

Having pho for lunch with Maestro! I've been craving asian soup, and he knows a good Vietnamese place. Sweet!

Having our first full dress rehearsal, which will be the first time through the show with everything - costumes, make up, staging, sound cues, set pieces, props, quick changes. Crossing my fingers for a smooth run!

Got make up put on me!

General ramblings:

Had an anxiety dream about the show. I felt like my voice was really wrecked in rehearsal last night, and that caused me to toss and turn and have this anxiety dream. I feel like my voice feels great for most of the day, and then I get into the theater and push and by the end of the aria, I'm cracking. Tonight I must force myself to sing as if I'm singing in my practice room, or in a shower, imagine I'm getting all kinds of reverb, place the tone high against my hard palate. And then trust that it sounds fine. Maybe having the wimple covering my ears will force me to concentrate on how it feels instead of how it sounds. That would be an awesome way to use that to my advantage. 

Added later - I had a good practice and I think I tapped into some ways that I can help myself not push and blow myself out mid-"Climb." I hope I can remember it all in the moment on the stage!

The pho was totally delicious. I just had the basic beef pho, Maestro had that with tripe. Gross. The idea of tripe totally grosses me out. But he loved it. Ew.

Added later - We did it! We made it through the rehearsal, ALMOST non-stop. Though getting started was rough. It took three tries to get the show going. The first time, the girl who sings the first line of the show, a solo Latin chant, was given the wrong pitch and then we all took the pitch, so we were musically awry. While we were stopped fixing that, it was discovered that people were STILL standing in the wrong places. So we corrected that. And we started over.

Then the curtain went up, we sang a page or so, and all the headsets for the crew simultaneously short-circuited and died. They couldn't immediately figure it out so they got seven walkie-talkies for the crew to use. So the curtain came down again.

Third time was in fact a charm, and we went start to finish, with almost no stops.

One other thing, we were tweaking my mic, which is turning out to be a pain to co-ordinate with the wimple. I had taken off the veil to fix this...and then left it in my dressing room before my next entrance. Oops. That is a mistake that I will not make again.

Here's where I am today:

Excited to come and do a show today. While I was practicing today, I took a little pause and realized that I've sort of been feeling resistant to the show lately. I think you just get to that point in the rehearsal process. I didn't realize I was there, but once I did, I made the active choice to not be that way. And I am excited to come to the theater tonight and really be IN the show, IN every moment, fully involved, full brain engaged.

Added later - I felt vocally better, mostly. The approach to the high note at the end of "Climb," (right in my passaggio) still fried a little bit. But I was aware of thinking lighter, Mozart-y and Handel-y, and that's a good first step. I feel like I'm learning how to sing in this theater.

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